Cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevention workshops for high-school students PDF natisni

Workshops with peer-to-peer education about cardiovascular disease and healthy lifestyle in high schools are one of our main activities as we’ve found that peer-to-peer is the most effective mode of transmission of knowledge (or data in general, really). In cooperation with many professionals from different fields, we did our best to equip every single lecturer-to-be with the appropriate knowledge – expert as well as pedagogic – and went to great pains when designing the workshops, in order to maximize their positive outcomes.

Workshops are designed to present the risk factors of CVD development in an interesting and engaging manner. In addition, the listeners can gain some knowledge about the diseases of cardiovascular system and means of their prevention, most importantly about the principles of healthy lifestyle and their implementation in the listeners' school and family environment. Each individual can then add the value to the project by spreading the world about heart-friendly way of living to their peers and family members.
Students’ training PDF natisni

In the middle of November, there is an organized training in the form of “motivational weekend”, where every member of the project can participate. The purpose of training is to give a firm basis for the project’s work for the following academic year, concerning especially the organization of the Misli na srce Circle of health, cardiovascular disease prevention workshops for high-school students and the lectures for general public.

Congress PDF natisni

In March we organize a four day congress at The Faculty of Medicine in Ljubljana. Lectures are given by renowned experts on several topics, such as cardiovascular surgery, congenital heart defects, different cardiovascular diseases, what causes them and how they are treated.

The congress if free of charge and can be attended by anyone interested in the lectures.

Circle of Health PDF natisni

The Circle of Health has become our new traditional activity. In 2011 it replaced the Think of Your Heart Race in the Tivoli Park, which was previously organized for five years and was extremely well-attended each year (around 1000 runners). In addition to the actual run, other activities such as measuring blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels took place.

We believe that organizing the Circle of Health enables us to reach the general population better. The entire event is held at Prešernov Square in the centre of Ljubljana, therefore more passers-by will be warned of the dangers of cardiovascular disease and encouraged to live a healthy lifestyle and the media coverage will be more extensive.

On several stands, blood sugar, blood pressure, amount of carbon monoxide in exhaled air and blood cholesterol will be measured and advice on healthy diet and exercise will be given. Passers-by will also be warned of harmful habits such as smoking, alcohol and unhealthy diet. The measurements and raising awareness on this important topic will be held throughout the day. The Think of Your Heart team will be helped by other projects of Medical Students' Association of Slovenia.


Na kratko misli_na_srce

Projekt Misli na srce je neprofitni, prostovoljni, javnozdravstveni projekt, ki deluje v okviru Društva študentov medicine Slovenije.

Naša misija je ozavestiti ljudi o boleznih srca in ožilja, jih motivirati za zdrav način življenja ter prevzemati odgovornost za lastno zdravje.




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Vodja projekta: Špela Kurnik
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Vodja marketinga: Domen Lenarčič
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Vodja stikov z javnostjo: Maida Beganović
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Vodja kongresa: Jan Salmič
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Vodja delavnic za srednje šole in gimnazije: Vid Maunaga
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Vodja izobraževanj za odrasle: Martin Janakjiev
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Vodja Kroga zdravja: Rok Besal
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